christmas morning

Christmas Eve is tomorrow! Can you believe it? I think Christmas Eve is probably my favorite part of the holiday, but it also means that Christmas is the next morning! Sorry for all of the enthusiasm, but I love looking forward to this incredibly happy time of year. I have almost everything ready but there still never seems to be enough time. I still have more to do than I planned on. I guess I just have to accept that is how it goes and love it.

We have a really fun post for you this morning. We put together some fun and simple ideas for your breakfast come the morning of Christmas. Another of our favorite traditions is waking up to a beautiful and deliciously cooked holiday breakfast. Here are some easy ideas to get breakfast on the table, mouths fed and spirits high.

Start with a small gift at each place setting. In our house, we had to eat a little something before we opened up the majority of our gifts. This is an easy way to attract attention to the table if you have small children. After all, this gift could be just as exciting as the ones under the tree. It also serves as decor for your tablescape. Match them or make each gift unique!

We looove these napkins! They are handmade and custom stamped by.. you guessed it us! We designed an abstract pattern inspired by a Christmas tree. With all of the white and silver, these gave a touch of color to the breakfast table. We casually laid them underneath the gifts for an easy to get to napkin. Not too formal, but still looks great.

Oh, my cute little squirrel. Griffin gave this to me last Christmas. I believe he purchased it from Target (never disappoints). I love the modernity and simplicity with the angular, white design. This is my personality in a Christmas decoration. So we decided to feature it in the center of the table with some easy DIY yarn-wrapped votive candles. Choose something that is special to you or your family for the centerpiece. It can be as simple as this holiday squirrel or as complicated as a beautiful floral arrangement. It gives meaning to the table and aids in creating lasting memories and traditions for your family.

On the menu this morning we had eggnog french toast with blackberries, egg and spinach quiches, cranberry juice, and fresh fruit. It was soo good! The eggnog french toast was an ideal festive breakfast item. It hit the holiday spot in my stomach without over doing it. The egg and spinach quiches were a nice balance for the sweetness of the french toast. The best part about these items is that they are sooo easy! For eggnog french toast recipe, click here. For the egg and spinach mini quiche recipe, click here.

For a playful touch, we added these Moravian Stars throughout the table. They look like snowflakes and ornaments all in one. For a wonderful picture tutorial, click here. They took some figuring out, but once I had it down, they were easy to replicate.

I can't believe how beautiful the weather has been this last week. I hope it just continues on until Christmas day! It has been snowing for the last few days non-stop. Every branch on every tree has a layer of white, houses are covered, cars are covered and all I can think of is how beautiful it is! As we were eating, we were able to look out these gorgeous bay windows at the incredible scenery right outside. It serves as a natural back-drop and brings a wonderful atmosphere. We are so fortunate and grateful to live where we do. Each season brings a whole new look to the world around us.

Eggnog french toast pairs well with either maple syrup or blackberry syrup. Blackberries might be a little tricky to find but trust me, it is so worth it. And if you are going for simple this Christmas morning, these are the two dishes for you.

Candlelit meals aren't only for the evening. The lit candles can add a little bit of magic to your holiday meal. Just like twinkling lights, these votives really help set the mood. It was almost as if we were sitting next to a fire watching the snow fall outdoors.

I definitely need to talk about our fun plates. I took on the idea of sharpie baked dishes, and it turned out so well despite popular belief. We purchased a silver-metallic sharpie pen, very inexpensive festive dishes, and created our own seasonal dish set. Each plate features a different saying or holiday phrase. I added the simple wreaths to dress the calligraphy up a little bit, threw them in the oven for a half an hour at 400 and they were ready to go. It is an easy way to customize your own ceramic-ware for any occasion.

Most importantly enjoy your meal! We hope you enjoy every minute of your holiday with friends, family, or whoever is most loved in your life. We believe so much in creating moments like this for the memories they create and traditions they can ignite.

We again wish you the very best over the holidays and thank you again for stopping by. We hope you have a delicious and memorable Christmas morning!